We know best

by xypnox

Don’t worry child
We know the best for you.
We have been living so long,
and we haven’t made mistakes,
we haven’t chosen wrong.
And we will always know
what is best for you.
Even if you think different,
We know more about you than you.
Well because we have lived longer.
Haven’t we?
Because our’s have guided us
And so will your’s guide you.
Because we understand the world completely.
Well because we have lived longer.

And you ask why we do that?
Because everyone does it.
And so will you one day.
What does it mean you won’t.
It is the best for you.
Do we ever wait and wonder
that we may not understand the world
as nicely as we think we do?
Because we have lived longer.
And we don’t want to show our imperfections.

Why do we need numbers?
We need numbers to compare.
To compare and contrast,
Between our’s and their’s.
The better marks, the bigger salary.
That is what matters for us.
We don’t care about the books you read,
the things you made, the things you like.
Because they don’t matter.
What matters are numbers.
And we shall force you
to get better numbers.
Even if it costs you yourself.
Well because we have lived longer.
And we were raised like this.